Chad is a Greater Portland FCA Board Member and a volunteer at the University of Portland. He is using his leadership to make disciples who make disciples on a collegiate campus, his professional campus, and at other basketball ministries in Greater Portland such as Full Court Faith. Chad shared this about his Bible: "I’ll never forget my first FCA Bible. I carried it with me on every collegiate basketball road trip. I carried it with me when I travelled internationally as a professional athlete. And I carry it with me still, as a Nike Employee with Jordan Brand. I’ll never forget my teammate who gave me this Bible. I look forward to putting Bibles in the hands of other athletes, too."
Every time these Pilots huddle together, pray, read the Word and grow in their ability to be disciple-makers, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, in partnership with Chad, provides resources, development strategies and Bibles. After handing out 20 Bibles at the first UP Huddle, FCA made them a promise: if you give your Bible away, we will replace it with a new one. At the very next Huddle, a cross-country runner had already answered the challenge. Her roommate, who had never heard the Gospel message, asked what this athlete was reading. She shared with her roommate that it was the Bible, the very lifeblood of her faith, and happily gave that Bible away. What a blessing to see her roommate reading the Bible and asking questions to learn more. Because of generous praying partners that invest in FCA, another Bible was ready and waiting for her, and for every athlete able to share the Word of God by giving it to someone who needs it dearly. For God did not come for the healthy, but the sick. He did not come for the healed, but for the broken. He came not for the found, but for the lost. Thank you for investing in the FCA mission to lead every coach and athlete in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church.
Would you say "yes" to a one-time gift that can bring valuable resources and support to new and existing Huddles? Your “yes” today has the power to make a huge difference in bringing Gospel community to athletes and coaches that can make an impact on generations to come.
7405 SW Tech Center Dr. Suite 140 Portland, OR 97223 USA