Ready to learn more about impacting your campus for Christ? As you all meet in your Huddles, there is a lot of freedom in how you use your time! However there are a few things that are crucial to the success of your Huddle:
1. SALT Coach
2. SALT Leaders
3. Church Partner
4. Huddle Coach
5. FCA Staff
6th Man | Praying Parents
Once you have gathered your Starting Five, you should meet to complete your leadership applications together,
discuss the vision and structure for your Huddle, become familiar with Centralized Messaging and pray.
Every Huddle must have all adult leaders complete a
Ministry Leader Application (MLA) and complete the
E3 online discipleship training
and SALT Leaders complete a SALT Application Form.
- Student from FCA Huddle
We want to engage, equip, empower and certify your Huddle as officially part of FCA's ministry.
Scroll through our Areas page to find your local contact.
7405 SW Tech Center Dr. Suite 140 Portland, OR 97223 USA